

Examination is an essential component of any education system. Students of all programs are evaluated in a formative as well as summative fashion. However, students of BS.Ed (Hons), B.Ed(Hons) Elementary and B.Ed (16+1.5) are evaluated according to the policy of Punjab University. Sessional, mid-term exams, quizzes and class assignments/projects of 40% credit are carried out by teachers, while final semester exams are conducted by The University of Punjab.


Internal examinations/tests are held regularly as per the schedule given below:

  1. Results will be announced within two weeks of the last paper.
  2. Absentees and students with unsatisfactory performance are liable to be punished as decided by the college council, leading to expulsion from the college.
  3. The course completion certificate is issued to a student after he/she complete his/her course but a student becomes ineligible for grant of certificate if he/she does not get through the internal/mid-term examination.
  4. The marks obtained in internal examinations are included in the final result of S.Ed (Hons), B.Ed (Hons), B.S. Ed. (5 to 8) and B.Ed (16+1.5 Model)
  5. Results are communicated to the parents of students for information.



  1. External Examination will be held as per schedule of University of the Punjab.
  2. The rules framed/modified by the University of the Punjab from time to time are followed by the college.


A student will be allowed to appear in the final University examination if;

  1. No inquiry is pending against him/her.
  2. He/she has passed the internal examination.
  3. His/her attendance is not less than the requirement of the University of the Punjab.